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Politics of Hope

"People don't take stock of how much the world has changed, they can become attached to their powerlessness and all too comfortable with despair. If you tell people that they can't change anything then it's safe for them to go home and watch sitcoms. But if you tell people that they're responsible for what the world is like, they have to do something."

The politics of Hope is THE answer to the politics of Fear. Is the only Practice that could undermine the pervasive feeling of distrust and renounce that many of us display in their daily jobs.
Hope, like Faith, is a driving power, a source of energy and strength, it gives you vigour and desire to act.
When Hope is on your side, you feel you can have an impact on the world around.
Hope is such a great thing! No wonder it is so little valued: then you need to shift from that very comfy position of the poor victim to that of the powerful doer.

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